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Heinz Dziurowitz has passed away [Archiv] - X-Plane Schweiz


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18.05.2015, 12:59
My Condolances to the family, Dont know if anybody still reads this.
I did not know Heinz personally I was one of many greatful users of his / way ahead of time / works for X/Plane 8/9.
Heinz created the first really outstanding aircraft and most of all first usable and good looking 3D cockpits.
They have been very well designed and painstakenly rearched. His work reflects a personality of great dedication and a man with a vision. So it is with great sadness that I have learned of his passing.
May he have found everlasting peace.
Frank Willfeld
Former German Versions 8-10 X-Plane Productmanager

18.05.2015, 18:59
Yes, it's very sad. I used many of his planes. May he rest in peace.

18.05.2015, 23:19

Seine DC-3 habe ich schon sehr lange. :o

Wo Du auch immer nun bist, lass es Dir gut gehen lieber Heinz :)