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Warnung: Use of undefined constant VB_FRAMEWORK - assumed 'VB_FRAMEWORK' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/functions.php (Zeile 8101)

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Warnung: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; vB_XML_Builder has a deprecated constructor in ..../includes/class_xml.php (Zeile 689)
X-Plane 9.40 RC-3 [Archiv] - X-Plane Schweiz


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12.09.2009, 20:00
X-Plane 9.40 RC-3


We continue to enhance and refine... this is really getting good now!

We have never been this serious about perfecting and refining the IOS
and map for flight training, and tuning aircraft performance and
instruments to let you make them perfect for flight-training. Grab it
and tell me how it goes!


Minor enhancements:

Plane-Maker: It is now possible to enter negative generator and
battery current redlines and the like. This could be useful for some

Plane-Maker: You now enter the BETA pitch of prop. This is the prop
pitch that you see when the prop is in beta mode, which turboprops
often have, and this will happen when you hit the . key to go into
reverse, but have not yet advanced the throttle to really hit the
reverse. A number around -10 or so should work pretty well for most
planes, if you do not know the exact prop pitch of the real plane.

If you have an electric hydraulic system but no electric hydraulic
pump switch, then the system will default to 'on', as is probably

When you show ALL ILS's or just the ILS you are trying to fly in the
IOS window, the markers associated with the ILS are also show, or not,
to further refine the ILS display.

In the profile view on the IOS, where we see the plot of our approach
down the glideslope, we now have better AI to tell what approach you
are trying to fly, and you can see that approach description in the
lower-right of the screen, and that information is stored for recall
during replay!

The autopilot/autopilot select/ott_seldisp_ALT_VVI and autopilot/
console_filled_GA are very true to the real instruments, right down to
every light-flash and operation, even including the test-modes. Be
sure to assign a joystick button to 'autopilot test' if you want to
fully use autopilot/console_filled_GA, which has the trim indicator
stay lit up until that test is run, as in the real plane!

Smoother action on the linear tapes in the cockpit, like you find in
the SR-71 primary displays.

More named lights for strobes and beacons. Example plane coming soon
to the wiki.


AudioPanelHM instrument is now fully controllable... You could not set
com-1 before this. We have functioning glideslopes to the carriers and
frigates now... so use 'em! Little glitch in sky color that left a
barely-visible seam in the sky is now fixed. Plane follows GPS paths
entered in FMS properly The livery you select should be visible to
multiplayers flying with you! LINUX: taxiways and runway lines and
lights are fixed. ATTR_light_level works correctly even when shaders
are off. Adaptive engine gauges will show arcs again. Generic rolling
instruments don't have an extra mask o them. Panel texture will work
properly for planes with very large cockpit objects. Engines will work
for AI planes contorolled by plugins.

Cedric Loup
12.09.2009, 20:10
Hallo Hermann

Recht herzlichen danke für die Mitteilung.

Liebe Grüsse
